Agustin Wet - Fullstack Web Developer

About Me

I am a self-taught and passionate individual with a deep interest in technology. Continuously seeking to expand my knowledge of software and hardware, I am driven by a curiosity that fuels my desire to grow as a developer and take on new challenges in the field.

Tech Stack

  • Java
  • Javascript + Node.js
  • React.js
  • SQL
  • Git
  • Docker - Docker Compose
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Typescript

Work experience

Fullstack Web Developer, Technisys(2021-Present)

  • Develop and maintain a homebanking application for one of the largest banks in Argentina.
  • Utilize Java for back-end development and React.js for front-end development.
  • Collaborate with a team following agile methodologies to deliver new features and resolve bugs.
  • Actively participate in the development process, ensuring flexibility and adaptability to changing project requirements.